
Dr Claire Rogers has over fifteen years of experience in global health and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

Claire has informed SRHR research, policy, and practice throughout her career in Australia and internationally. She has worked for non-government and international non-government organisations, the United Nations, and academic institutions. She specialises in qualitative SRHR research and monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning activities in low- and middle-income countries, humanitarian crisis and post-crisis settings, and within internally displaced populations, migrant, and refugee contexts.

Claire was awarded her PhD in International Health in 2019, which focused on women’s SRHR in Nepal, specifically safe and unsafe abortion, and post-abortion contraception. Her areas of professional interest and expertise include safe abortion access and rights, contraception, cervical cancer screening, sexual and gender-based violence, and gender, protection and accountability to affected populations.

Ethical research is vital in rights-based initiatives, giving voice to priority populations and laying the groundwork for programs that support women and girls to holistically exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights.


Cheng Y., Rogers C., Boerma C.J., Botfield J.R., Estoesta J. (2023). Clinician views and experiences with reproductive coercion screening in a family planning service. Sexual Health doi:10.1071/SH22143.

Dantas, J.A.R., Strauss, P., Cameron, R., & Rogers, C. (2020). Women migrants in Western Australia: Case studies of resilience and empowerment. Social Change doi:10.1177/0049085719901074

Rogers, C. (2019) Adequate access to contraception and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information post-abortion: A case study from Nepal. Curtin Theses uri:

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., Paudel, R., & Dantas, J.A.R. (2019). Medical abortion in Nepal: A qualitative study on women’s experiences at safe abortion services and pharmacies. Reproductive Health doi:10.1186/s12978-019-0755-0

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., Tako, A., & Dantas, J.A.R. (2019). Abortion in Nepal: Perspectives of a cross-section of sexual and reproductive health and rights professionals. BMC Women’s Health doi:10.1186/s12905-019-0734-1

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., & Dantas, J.A.R. (2018). Abortion and reproductive health in the aftermath of a natural disaster: The case of Nepal. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal Volume 25 Issue 9, 41

Rogers, C., & Dantas, J.A.R. (2017). Access to contraception and sexual and reproductive health information post-abortion: A systematic review of literature from low- and middle-income countries. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care doi:10.1136/jfprhc-2016-101469

Rogers, C., & Earnest, J. (2015). Sexual and reproductive health communication among Sudanese and Eritrean women: An exploratory study from Brisbane, Australia, Culture, Health & Sexuality doi:10.1080/13691058.2014.967302

Rogers, C., & Earnest, J. (2014). A cross-generational study of contraception and reproductive health among Sudanese and Eritrean women in Brisbane, Australia. Health Care for Women International doi:10.1080/07399332.2013.857322


Publications currently under peer review

Trinh, L.T.T., Macdonald, V., Bateson, D., Boerma, C.; Rogers, C., Gounder, R.V., Dawson, A. (2023). Emergency Contraception Access in Fijian Community Pharmacies: A Descriptive Study. [manuscript submitted for review].

Rogers, C., Adjei-Mensah, E., Hayen, A., Nathan, S., Heywood, A., Mahimbo, M., Merrington, H., Dawson, A. (2023). Health Assets Among Refugees in Australia: A Systematic Review. [manuscript submitted for review].

Conference presentations

Rogers, C., Dawson, A., Bateson D., & Boerma C. (2023, September). The Emergency Contraception Knowledge and Counselling Practices of Pharmacists in Fiji. Selected refereed abstract session. Poster presentation at the Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference, Sydney, Australia [presented by Dr C. Boerma]

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., & Shrestha, R. (2019, August). Abortion During Humanitarian Crisis: Lessons learned from the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes. Selected refereed abstract session. Oral presentation at the Children by Choice Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Conference, Brisbane, Australia

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., & Dantas, J. (2018, November). Adequate Access to Contraception and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Information Post-Abortion: A case study from Nepal. Selected refereed abstract session. Poster presentation at the 5th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP), Kigali, Rwanda

Rogers, C., Shrestha, R., & Sapkota, S. (2017, April). Abortion During Humanitarian Crisis: A qualitative study in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes. Selected refereed abstract session. Oral presentation at the 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., & Dantas, J. (2017, April). Post-Abortion Access to Contraception and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Information: A case study from Nepal. Selected refereed abstract session. e-Poster presentation at the 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia

Rogers, C. (2015, September). Adequate access to contraception & sexual & reproductive health (SRH) information post-abortion: Perspectives of SRH professionals in Nepal. Oral presentation at The Mark Liveris Seminar, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Rogers, C. (2014, November).  Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC): Utilisation, accessibility and acceptability in urban and rural Nepal. Oral presentation at Nursing and Midwifery Research Week, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Rogers, C., Sapkota, S., Earnest, J., Tako, A., & Lohani, S. (2014, October).  Contraception Access and Uptake: Perspectives of sexual and reproductive healthcare professionals in Nepal. Invited refereed abstract session. Oral presentation at the 3rd Annual World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Taiyuan, China

Rogers, C., & Earnest, J., (2012, November). Sexual and reproductive health communication in CALD families. Selected refereed abstract session. Oral presentation at the First National Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference, Melbourne, Australia

Rogers, C., & Earnest, J., (2012, September). A cross-generational study of contraception and reproductive health among Sudanese and Eritrean women in Brisbane, Australia. Selected refereed abstract session. Oral presentation at the Population Health Congress, Adelaide, Australia

Rogers, C. (2012, August). Sexual and Reproductive Health: Young People from CALD communities. Analysis and Feedback session at the Educational Forum for Service Providers: Cultural Competency and Sexual Health for CALD Clients, Brisbane, Australia

Other writing, interviews and communication

Professor Jaya Dantas & Dr Claire Rogers - Co- Convenors, PHAA International Health Special Interest Group. (2022, June 30). Roe vs. Wade and the recent overturn of the 50-year-old ruling by the US Supreme Court. Intouch Public Health. Public Health Association of Australia.

Professor Jaya Dantas, Dr Claire Rogers, Dr Abela Mahimbo & Professor Angela Taft. (2022, May 19). The potential global effects if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Intouch Public Health. Public Health Association of Australia.

Liz Futrell. (2019, November 21). Family Planning Voices. Claire Rogers Interview. Johns Hopkins University and FP2020.

Liz Futrell. (2019, June 11). Family Planning Voices. Claire Rogers Interview. Johns Hopkins University and FP2020.

Claire Rogers. (2018, September). Research in Nepal: Reflections on working and studying in the field of International Health. Invited speaker. Presented at the Public Health and Health Promotion Career Pathways Event, University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia.

Claire Rogers, Jaya Dantas & Shilpa Lohani. (2016, July).  Nepal Quakes Leave Women’s Healthcare in Crisis. NewsDeeply. Women and Girls Hub: Crisis and Conflict. The New Humanitarian.

Marcela Ramírez. (2016, July 15).  Family Planning is Future PlanningClaire Rogers Podcast Interview. Words for Good Podcast.

Claire Rogers. (2016, March). The Amazing Women and Girls of Nepal. Goanet-Femnet: An online network for women, by women, Issue 48, 4-5.

Debbi G McCullough. (2016, May 31). Five things business reporters ought to know about gender data. Article Mention. Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism.

Claire Rogers. (2015, June). Emergency Humanitarian Crisis in Nepal: How the earthquakes have impacted the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of Nepali women and girls. InTouch: Newsletter of the Public Health Association of Australia, Issue 32, 3-4.

Jaya Earnest & Claire Rogers. (2015). Policy-at-a-glance: Women’s Health in Overseas Aid Programs Policy. Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).

Claire Rogers. (2014, July). Lecture Topic: Qualitative Research. Guest Lecturer. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Dharan, Nepal.